Was busy with my daily work. Had some time in May and refactored script and data structure. I want to remove anon functions from data structs for having less trouble with save / loading data later. (WIP) Besides that, I have started coding the AI. Added some pseudo states to check against and some callbacks.…
Category: Blog
Trading Game Dev Diary #6
First all of all: I have found the time to add the game data to a Github repo, so no danger of permanent data loss anymore. 😉 Now to the new stuff! I didn’t like how the market module and the player data was bundled. And a wise developer once said; code mechanics, not games!…
Trading Game Dev Diary #5
Had an inspiration and was bored of the black / white screen, therefore I have added a (what I call) “display engine”. This “engine” allows to register different displays / screens and add quadrants for draw functions to it. Modules get registered to this quadrants and get drawn depending on quadrant coordinates. This little technique…
Trading Game Dev Diary #4
A little update; refactored market creation code and removed hardcoded market data. I can now create new markets (aka coins) by a simple function call. Besides this, I also added functions to open limit positions in the selected market. Looks like the order book output is buggy, demo positions should be all at 10k ask.…
Trading Game Dev Diary #3
Refactored the whole Create Event for the main game object controller. Reduced the code within the event from > 200 lines to 15. Everything is now in script modules with INIT functions. Every module adds struct data to the global state. I also added a players / player module which holds all players (the actual…
Trading Game Dev Diary #2
Added buy mechanic with checking for sufficient funding and draining quantity from ask positions. Might need to refactor player struct before I can clone the code for the sell mechanic. This allows AI players to use the same functions. I missed that fact during the creation of the data structure. A common mistake while exploring…
Trading Game Dev Diary #1
Started a new game project during the holidays. Goal is to develop a minimalistic trading game, without any sprites or textures. Just old school coded graphics. Did some testing the last days and have started with the prototype today. Order book representation and some data structure is already done, currently feeding with hardcoded data. For…